Language and Littles Workshop

Easyspeak Presentation.png

It was so great to have so many parents join us from across the Caribbean for our first of hopefully many language workshops. Our focus for this session was using language stimulation strategies such as:

  • Getting on your child’s level

  • Commenting

  • Simplifying Language

  • Pausing

to encourage interaction with little ones at each age or developmental stage from birth to 5 years.

If you weren’t able to join us you can access the slides here.

During the presentation we also showed two very informative videos on Pausing and Commenting which you can view below.

Our breakout groups were the highlight of the workshop, as we enjoyed getting the chance to chat with parents personally and address questions and queries specific to each individual child.

We are currently in the process of planning a workshop for educators, as well as more interactive “language in action” sessions for both parents and educators.

Stay tuned!

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