A Year of Hope


Happy New Year EasySpeak family! We’ve made it through 2020, and now look towards a year of new possibilities.

To say that 2020 was challenging would be an understatement; It truly was a year like no other. However it was also a year of learning. We juggled zoom calls, homeschooling, supermarket adventures, mask wearing, and everything in between, like true superheroes. We also learnt more about our strength, resilience and ability to adapt like never before.

Although 2021 has started with some level of uncertainty, there is still room for hope. Whether you're reading this post as a parent, caregiver, educator, allied professional, or a friend to our clinic, I encourage you to go through this year with a hopeful spirit. Hope, I’ve read, is the embrace of the unknown and the unknowable.

In my reflection and planning for this year I came across a quote on Pinterest which read:

At the end of the day, all you need is hope and strength. Hope that it will get better, and strength to hold on until it does”

As you set your intentions for 2021 I want you to be inspired to embrace hope that:

  • Each child you work with will achieve his/her communication goals

  • Your interactions will facilitate language development, and most importantly fun,happy moments with each child

  • This year will be a year of growth in every area of your life

  • Your goals will be bigger than your fears

  • You will be open to change and new beginnings

Hope can also be a powerful force which helps us to move towards action, and the meeting of these is where we make magic happen. One of my goals for this blog space this year is to share useful action steps to help turn your hopes into plans and accomplishments. Let’s do this together!

Remember to subscribe for weekly updates and share any feedback with us.

Thank you for being here and I look forward to this journey with you!

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